Degen DE-115 AM / FM耳塞收音机
  我测试过的Degen DE-115是最便宜,最小的(不到2英寸高)AM / FM耳塞收音机,价格为23.99美元,另加Anon-co.com的运费,在eBay上还多付了几美元。尽管其价格相对较低,但许多用户还是对该电台给予了高度评价,有人声称它与该类别的其他电台一样好……强烈要求。当我的到达时,我急于将其与参考耳塞式收音机进行比较……还有几款,以了解它的效果如何。
  64 – 108 MHz
  76 – 90 MHz
  87 – 108 MHz
  AM(9 kHz / 10 kHz步进):
  522 – 1710 KHz
  带有立体声/单声道开关的AM / FM立体声
  时钟(12 / 24h)
  电源:2 x UM4 AAA电池(不包括)
  尺寸:约1.8英寸(长)x 3.2英寸(高)x .75G英寸(宽)/ 46毫米(长)x 81毫米(高)x 19毫米(宽)颜色:黑色/银色(某些地区没有银色)
  重量:约1.7盎司/ 48克
  FM接收:用这种类型的收音机判断FM接收可能很棘手,因为他们使用耳塞线作为FM天线,但是我可以确定DE 115的FM接收效果非常好。它不如我所比较的最佳单位那么敏感或选择性……我不希望它如此,但是它相当接近,并且在大多数情况下,它表现很好。除了我通常进行的并排测试外,我还四处走动,聆听往往会淡入和淡出,有时又被其他电台淹没的电台,而且Degen再次接近我所比较的最佳电台。一点也不差。
  上午接待是一个不同的故事。由于其尺寸非常小,它必然包含一个非常小的内部AM天线,因此其AM灵敏度明显低于我与之相比的较大单元。实际上,我看不到Degen在这种尺寸下如何做得更好,因此值得赞扬,因为它的尺寸与小尺寸一样好,但是您应该只期望收到更强的AM信号…中等强度信号听起来微弱且嘈杂,因此DE 115绝对是FM用户的首选收音机。
  结论:总而言之,如果您已经拥有不错的一对耳塞,我认为D 115的价格低于30美元,是一个不错的选择,并且性能出色。只要您替代提供的耳塞,它的声音就非常好。尽管它对AM不太敏感,但在这个价位上它的FM接收还是相当不错的。
  来看看德劲的新产品收音机DE115 -- Jay Allen 有条件推荐, 感觉不错~
  来看看德劲的新产品收音机DE115 -- Jay Allen 有条件推荐, 感觉不错~
  来看看德劲的新产品收音机DE115 -- Jay Allen 有条件推荐, 感觉不错~
  来看看德劲的新产品收音机DE115 -- Jay Allen 有条件推荐, 感觉不错~
  来看看德劲的新产品收音机DE115 -- Jay Allen 有条件推荐, 感觉不错~
  Degen DE-115 AM/FM Earbud Radio
  The Degen DE-115 is among the least expensive and the smallest (less than 2″ tall) AM/FM earbud radios I have tested, costing $23.99 plus shipping from and a few dollars more on eBay. In spite of its relatively low price many users have given the radio high praise with some claiming it is as good as any radio in this category…a strong claim. When mine arrived, I was anxious to compare it with my reference earbud radios…and I have several, to see just how good it is.
   First, the basic specifications:
  FM range can be set to:
  64 – 108 MHz
  76 – 90 MHz
  87 – 108 MHz
  AM (9 kHz / 10 kHz steps):
  522 – 1710 KHz
  Auto Tuning Storage (ATS)
  Auto-scan tuning
  Manual tuning
  Aluminum Front Case
  AM / FM-stereo with Stereo/Mono switch
  Memories: 60 stations: FM (40), AM (20)
  Digital LCD display
  LED backlight
  Battery indicator
  Clock (12/24h)
  Sleep timer (5-90 minutes)
  Bass Boost function (switchable)
  Key lock function
  Stereo Earphone jack (1/8”/3.5mm)
  Power supply: 2 x UM4 AAA batteries (not included)
  Size: Approx. 1.8” L x 3.2” H x .75G” W /46 mm L x 81 mm H x 19 mm WColor: Black / Silver (Silver not available some areas)
  Weight: Approx. 1.7 oz/48g
  Supplied with Stereo earbuds, carrying strap and English manual.
  Checking It Out: Operation was straightforward and the user manual was clear enough. The main learning curve was figuring out that some of the buttons require quick or long presses to operate – once I got that all was fairly easy. One feature I liked was the Stereo/Mono button which many such units lack…although many units have well-executed auto/blend functions, being able to force mono is sometimes a good way to clear up problem FM stereo signals.
  Sound Quality: I used my favorite noise-isolating earbuds for sound comparisons with other pocket radios and the Degen sounded good – the sound was loud, clear and the bass boost function was often enjoyable. I will say that the supplied earbuds are not very good at all…by now most of us have a drawer full of earbuds from various devices and most will sound better than the supplied buds which were very midrangy with no bass or treble, sounding like one was speaking into cupped hands. Use different earbuds.
  FM Reception: Judging FM reception with this type of radio can be tricky since they use the earbud wire as an FM antenna, but I was able to ascertain that the DE 115’s FM reception was very good. It was not quite as sensitive or selective as the best units I compared it to…I wouldn’t expect it to be, but it was fairly close and in most cases it does very well. In addition to my usual side-by-side tests I also walked around listening to stations which tend to fade in and out and sometimes be swamped by other stations and again, the Degen was fairly close to the best I compared it with. Not bad at all.
  AM Reception was a different story. Due to its very tiny size it necessarily contains a very small internal AM antenna and as a result its AM sensitivity was noticeably less than with the larger units I compared it with. Actually I don’t see how Degen could possibly make it any better at this size so they are to be commended for getting it as good as it is for the tiny size, but you should only expect to receive stronger AM signals with it…medium strength signals will sound weak and noisy, making the DE 115 definitely a radio for FM users first.
  Conclusion: All in all, if you already have a decent pair of earbuds to use with it, I think the D 115 is a good value at under $30 and a fine performer. It has very good sound as long as you substitute better earbuds than the ones supplied and although it is not very sensitive on AM its FM reception is quite respectable at this price point.
  Conditionally Recommended.
  Jay Allen

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